Highway 101 Interchanges
& Approaching Roadway Study


The Transportation Authority of Marin (TAM) has completed a study of twelve Highway 101 interchanges to identify a program of near- and long-term projects to improve safety and operation for vehicles, transit, bicyclists, and pedestrians.

Over the course of the study, the following factors were examined for each interchange:

  • Existing infrastructure
  • Transit routes and intermodal connectivity
  • Weekday AM & PM peak period congestion
  • Crash type and severity
  • Environmental constraints

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Based on results of the study, three interchanges have been prioritized to advance to the Project Initiation Phase:

New materials will be made available as they are developed under this Project Initiation phase.

Detailed reports are also available for all 12 interchanges included in the study.

Next Steps

The results of the Highway 101 Interchanges and Approaching Roadway Study shed light on ideas to improve the twelve interchanges. Download the Highway 101 Implementation Plan to learn more about the prioritization process and possibilities for future implementation.

For the three interchanges prioritized to advance, TAM is actively collaborating with Caltrans, Marin County’s local jurisdictions, transit agencies, and other key stakeholders in the Project Initiation Document (PID) phase to develop equitable strategies for implementing these improvements.